The year of the COVID-19 mandated closure has been challenging. I also believe it has brought out the creativity in many. The FFCS graduations and recognitions are a great example of that. We have truly missed our students, and with the closure, many of our traditional events had to be re-invented.
This last week we celebrated our Kindergarten graduation, Senior graduation, and 8th Grade Recognition. The Kinder and Senior "events" can be seen on Facebook, and were live-streamed so that family and friends could participate remotely. These events were a combination of properly socially-distanced live components and pre-recorded elements. (If you missed it and want a chuckle, watch the replay to see how I missed my cue for the live portion on the Kinder graduation!)
The 8th Grade Recognition was a "drive in" event, and was so much fun. We are grateful for the cooler weather that evening! Mr. Snell led in worship, and Mrs. Hall imparted one last wonderful and inspiring history lesson as we celebrated that these amazing young people are headed off to high school in the fall.
FFCS graduate Cody Hoeflein assisted in the technology-related portion of these events. What a blessing to have one of our graduates back as a young professional to help make these events so special. A special shoutout to Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Walker, and Mr. Hossler for giving so much of their time and talents to make these events special for our students and families.
To our graduates, you have our heartfelt prayers for God’s continued blessings on you as you move on to the next step in life. We love you, and look forward to seeing you again soon!
Mrs. Olson