A Bookworm Visits!
A big, green bookworm with a long tail was spotted on campus this week! The picture below shows him visiting a classroom to read a Dr. Seuss classic. We have a bit of a problem though…he doesn’t seem to have a name! We are hoping our students will provide some suggestions so we will know what to call him when we see him on campus.
His visit on campus heralded the start of the annual Read-A-Thon. Funds from this event will go towards classroom books, library furnishings and the general fund. We hope you will consider sponsoring your favorite young readers during this event.
We are blessed to live in a country where we are free to read the Bible at will. Nothing gives me greater joy than unexpectedly coming across a student immersed in their Bible. As a new Mom, I realized one day that my young son was learning to read by sight. I really wanted him to learn to read using phonics. A friend introduced me to “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons” and his voyage of discovery was launched. Not only did he learn his phonics, but it was a special bonding time for us. To this day he still loves reading.
At Firm Foundation Christian School, we want all of our students to develop that love of reading. Our students are blessed to have teachers who work with students to learn their letters, sounds and blends, transforming these young people into independent readers. While academically important, we also want them to know the joy of discovering the life-giving messages and promises found in scripture. I encourage you to spend time reading daily with your child. When parents read with their children, children benefit in numerous ways, including greater:
- Social and emotional development
- Resilience to stress
- Self-direction
- Self-control
- Social adjustment
- Mental health
- Positive peer relationships
Here’s to a wonderful week (and lifetime) of reading!
Mrs. Olson
Colossians 3:16: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.