Our First Full Week of School!
May the Lord be praised! We made it an entire week of school! With our schedule of a 3-day week the first week, and a four-day week the second week (to ease students and families back into the routine), then the unexpected closures due to poor air quality due to the wildfire, it is a special joy to have students back on campus full time.
Volunteers have always been an important part of the FFCS family and culture, and I want to thank all those who turned out for parent volunteer training. This training is required for parents who wish to serve on a regular basis in the classroom. We will, for those interested, host another session on Wednesday morning at 8;30 a.m. in the Building A.
Several people have asked how they can help during this time. One of the most important things you can do as a parent, grandparent, or supporter of Christian education is to pray. Pray for the teachers and staff who give sacrificially of their time and talents to teach our young people.
Pray for our students. One of my favorite verses is 3 John 4. “I have no greater joy than hearing that my children are walking in the truth.” I have been blessed to be around FFCS long enough to hear from graduates who talk about how the love and support they received at FFCS has led them into service for the Lord, something they never envisioned when they were still here!
These are the stories that relay the true beauty of the gospel-the stories of changed lives.
We continue to pray for you, our cherished families. Have a wonderful weekend!
– P.S. Our golf tournament is Friday, October 2nd. We still have openings for 3 teams if you know anyone who would be interested. Contact Katy Horn (khorn) for more information on sponsoring a team. –
Julie Olson